Cancun Weather in April

Cancun Weather April

Cancun weather in April is getting very nice indeed and you will know summer is just around the corner.

Average Stats for April Weather in Cancun

High F
Low F
Days > 90 F
Days > 80 F
Rain inches
Rain Days
Humidity % am
Humidity % pm
Wind Speed mph

Temperature in Cancun During April

Average daily high temperatures are just under ninety at 89F, on 3 of April’s 30 days temperatures will rise above 90 in a typical month with every other day exceeding eighty degrees.

Minimum daily temperatures in Cancun during April drop to around 73F which, wherever you’re from, is a very pleasant temperature to enjoy.

Rain and Humidity in Cancun During April

On equal footing with March, April is the joint driest month of the year with just 1.6 inches of rainfall falling on an average of 2 rain days during the entire month, so there’s next to no chance of your vacation being a wash out.

With maximum humidity levels of 84% the humidity in April is within +/- 2% of the entire year – the humidity varies little in Cancun from month to month. However, high humidity mixed with high temperatures gives rise to the heat index. The heat index is kind of like wind chill in reverse, high humidity makes high temperatures ‘feel’ even hotter than they really are.

By now, the hotel pool will be considerably warmer than the ocean, and it will stay that way until around October or November.

April in Cancun

April sees a slight slowdown over March. Spring Break has ended and the weather back home is starting to pick back up.

Around the middle of April (the exact date changes every year) Cancun hotel prices flip from high season to mid season and the savings can be quite considerable from one side of the change to the other. So, if you’re planning a trip to Cancun in April make sure you do some thorough research on prices – visiting one week later may save you a lot of money.

April is the ideal time to explore the scenic beauty in and around Cancun. Maybe try a snorkeling trip over the reef at Puerto Morelos or take a day trip to one of the nearby eco parks such as Xcaret or Xel Ha.

Cancun Weather from Month to Month

JanuaryFebruaryMarch – April – May JuneJuly AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember