Cancun Weather in July

Cancun weather in July is hot. H O T spells hot! July is the second hottest month of the year in Cancun. Add to that it’s also the month with the longest hours of daylight and you’re in for a scorcher!
Average Stats For July Weather in Cancun
High F | Low F | Days > 90 F | Days > 80 F | Rain inches |
90 | 75 | 24 | 31 | 4.3 |
Rain Days | Humidity % am | Humidity % pm | Wind Speed mph |
4 | 84 | 70 | 9 |
Temperature in Cancun During July
High temperatures are well over 90F on 24 of the 31 days in a typical month and of those remaining temperatures wont be far short of 90. While mid nineties might not sound that hot the incredibly high humidity means the ‘feel like temperature’ is another 20 degrees more.
By July the ocean will have warmed up considerably and will be about the same temperature as your hotels pool at around 80F. Smaller pools may well be considerably warmer.
Rain and Humidity in Cancun During July
Average Cancun weather in July brings 4 rainy days dumping around 4 inches (ca. 10 cm) of rain. Now, this doesn’t mean it rains all day long for those 4 days, more often than not there might be a short quick downpour sometimes only lasting 15 minutes or so before disappearing as quickly as it appeared.
But that still counts as rain day in Cancun which boasts over 300 sunny days a year.
July is the second month of hurricane season and classed as early season. While usually a quiet month because the ocean to the south hasn’t yet warmed up enough for ideal formation conditions, hurricanes are a definite possibility.
The last hurricane to affect Cancun weather in July was in 2005 when Emily passed about 60 miles away to the south. Damage in Cancun was minimal.
As mentioned, July is a very humid month with humidity levels ranging from 70- 84% making for hot and sweaty conditions. The sea breeze does do a little to help averaging at 9 miles per hour throughout the month.
July in Cancun
Cancun in July is an average kind of month occupancy wise. At the start of the month there may be groups of younger students from the US enjoying what is known as ‘summer break’, although summer break in Cancun no longer attracts the kind of numbers it once did.
Once school is out then Cancun becomes a popular destination for families not only from the US, Canada and Europe but also National tourists from other parts of Mexico. Cancun hotel prices in July are generally a little higher than June, but a little lower than in August.
As for recommended tours, you’ll have no problem finding something to do in July, with water based activities being the sure fire winner in this hot and sweaty month. A great little tour to do at this time of year would be an Isla Mujeres catamaran tour.
A trip to the ruins may be inadvisable due to the extreme heat inland at places like Chichen Itza and Coba unless you are real sun worshiper. Wherever you go be sure to keep yourself hydrated take something to cover your head and apply plenty of sun screen.
Cancun Weather from Month to Month
January – February – March – April – May – June – July – August – September – October – November – December