Cancun Weather in November

Cancun weather in November can be patchy. Nights are getting longer and winter approaches.
Of course, winter in Cancun is very little like winter where most tourists live year round and the temperature while lower than other months will often provide a huge contrast to back home.
Average Stats for Cancun Weather in November
High F | Low F | Days > 90 F | Days > 80 F | Rain inches |
85 | 71 | 1 | 28 | 3.8 |
Rain Days | Humidity % am | Humidity % pm | Wind Speed mph |
5 | 86 | 75 | 9 |
Temperature in Cancun During November
Average November high temperatures in Cancun still reach mid eighties with average low temperatures not dropping below 70F. In a typical November there is even one day on average where the average high temperature exceeds 90 degrees and pretty much every other day the temperature will surpass 80 degrees.
More good news is that November 1st officially marks the end of hurricane season. While it is not unheard-of for storms and even hurricanes to form outside the official season it is quite rare and you shouldn’t worry too much about hurricanes while visiting Cancun in November.
Rain and Humidity in Cancun During November
A typical November is quite a dry month with an average of 3.8 inches (ca. 10 cm) of rain falling on 5 rainy days throughout the month making it the 5th driest month of the year.
Humidity and wind speeds remain similar to the rest of the year with the humidity ranging from 75% to 86% depending on the time of the day and average wind speeds remaining stable at a gentle 9 mph (ca. 14 km/h).
November in Cancun
November is usually one of the quietest months of the year in Cancun. Kids are in school, people are gearing up for Christmas and local tourism is fairly low at this time of the year too.
Thanksgiving holiday in the US which occurs towards the end of the month tends to provide an anomaly with increased US tourism over the holiday weekend.
November is always a good time to pick up a Cancun hotel deal as prices are often at their lowest at this time of year
Even though actual tourism figures are lower in November than the rest of the year you shouldn’t be worried that you may be visiting a ghost town. Cancun remains lively throughout the year and the party remains in full swing with bars, nightclubs and discos all remaining open despite the quieter times.
Cancun tours also remain in operation with a vast array of different tours available. Actually, November is the perfect time of the year to get out and about and experience what Cancun and the Riviera Maya have to offer.
Temperatures are cooler but still pleasant and the attractions are not as busy as other times of the year providing you with more space and shorter queue times.
Cancun Weather from Month to Month
January – February – March – April – May – June – July – August – September – October – November – December