Cancun Weather in June

Cancun weather in June is very nice indeed! But it’s also the start of Hurricane Season.
Hurricanes in Cancun don’t happen very often and it’s even rarer that one occurs in June, the riskiest time is September and October.
Average Stats for June Weather in Cancun
High F | Low F | Days > 90 F | Days > 80 F | Rain inches |
90 | 75 | 17 | 30 | 7 |
Rain Days | Humidity % am | Humidity % pm | Wind Speed mph |
6 | 84 | 73 | 10 |
Temperature in Cancun During June
You should expect high temperatures of over 90F and minimum temperatures in the mid 70’s. In June the temperature in Cancun will exceed 90F on more than half of the days in the month and every single day will be above 80 degrees.
Pool temperatures at your Cancun hotel at this time of the year are nice and comfortable and will be warmer than the ocean
Rain and Humidity in Cancun During June
However, June is often the wettest month of the year too with 7 inches of rain falling in an average June month.
Don’t be alarmed though! The rain is usually infrequent but often extremely heavy, this means that when it rains, it really does rain. If you’re not from a tropical country you probably haven’t seen anything quite like it!
However, the rain can clear up just as quickly as it arrived giving rise to sauna like conditions as it evaporates. It is very rare in June for rain to spoil a whole day in Cancun.
You should expect rain on 6 days out of the 30 days in June but these are likely to be spread across the whole month rather than being consecutive and therefore it’s unlikely your whole vacation will be wiped out.
Humidity can be a killer (not literally, thankfully) but it really can make you sweat buckets and make a temperature of 90 feel like 110. Humidity ranges between 73% to 84% on a typical June day in Cancun.
Cancun Hurricane Season Begins
June is also the start of hurricane season which runs all the way through until November. Hurricanes in June are rare and the chances of one hitting Cancun even rarer, so you shouldn’t worry too much about a Cancun hurricane in June.
Normal wind speeds are pretty consistent throughout the whole of the year, in June usually hovering around the 10mph mark, which provides a nice refreshing sea breeze.
June in Cancun
Cancun in June is normally a fairly quiet month, schools aren’t yet out and the good weather in the United States and Canada means people are quite happy to stay at home. Although June is a popular time for British and European tourists to visit.
The local Mexican tourist season doesn’t really get going until July and August. Cancun hotel prices in June are categorized as low season before rising slightly in July.
You shouldn’t be worried about the nightlife being quiet though, Cancun is a 12 months a year party town and unlike many other tourists destinations doesn’t virtually shut down during low season with Cancun clubs and bars being busy throughout the month.
Summer break for US students occurs at many colleges towards the end of the June and some Cancun hotels may have a bunch of rowdy 18 yr olds.
However, over recent years the numbers heading to Cancun have dwindled as Cancun sets about marketing itself to a more mature clientele, i.e. ones who have some money to spend!
Pretty much all tours are recommended in June, especially water based tours to cool off in the heat.
The only one I might be wary of is a visit to Chichen Itza, which is situated inland and the temperatures and humidity feel magnified.
That’s easy for me to say though as I live in Cancun and can visit any time of the year!
Cancun Weather from Month to Month
January – February – March – April – May – June – July – August – September – October – November – December