Cancun Weather in May

Cancun weather in May is my favorite time of year. Before we moved to live in Cancun year round we always made a special point of visiting Cancun in May.
The colder winter months are way behind us with the extreme heat of mid summer still to come, it’s too early for hurricanes and it’s a relatively dry month.
May provides that ‘in between time’ that is just perfect!
Average Stats for May Weather in Cancun
High F | Low F | Days > 90 F | Days > 80 F | Rain inches |
90 | 75 | 10 | 31 | 4.6 |
Rain Days | Humidity % am | Humidity % pm | Wind Speed mph |
4 | 83 | 71 | 10 |
High F | Low F | Days > 90F | Days > 80F | Rain inches | Rain Days | Humidity am | Humidity pm | Wind Speed | |
Ave Stats | 90F | 75F | 10 | 31 | 4.6in | 4 | 83% | 71% | 10mph |
Temperature in Cancun During May
During a typical May in Cancun average daily temperatures are at exactly 90F with 17 of the 31 days exceeding 90 degrees and every single day, of course, exceeding eighty degrees.
Minimum daily temperatures run at around 75F which is obviously still very pleasant, albeit a little too hot for the evening and nighttime. Certainly, your hotel air-conditioning will prove a necessity at this time of year.
Rainfall in Cancun during May totals 4.6 inches and falls on an average of 4 rainy days through the month. At 4.6 inches this makes May the 6th driest month of the year, so kind of in the middle.
The good thing though is that rain showers tend to be sporadic but heavy, never lasting more than a few minutes and within half an hour the sun has evaporated the rain water and you’d never even know it had rained.
Rain and Humidity in Cancun During May
May can be humid. Although the humidity in Cancun varies little throughout the year when high humidity combines with high temperatures (as it invariably does in May) the heat index means that it will feel much hotter than the 90 degrees it really is.
Your hotel pool will be considerably warmer than the ocean at this time of year, and a quick dip in the ocean is a nice way to cool down.
May in Cancun
May is slightly slower than April but busier than June. Kids aren’t off school yet and with the temperatures picking up back at home it seems fewer people are inclined to travel to Cancun during this month.
This is a real shame in my opinion because, as mentioned, May really is a great time to visit. Not only because of the weather but Cancun hotel prices are at some of their lowest rates of the year when good weather can be 99% guaranteed to be great.
May also marks the start of the season when whale sharks visit the Cancun area during their migration. A Whale Shark Tour is a memorable once in a lifetime experience, and late May is the ideal time to do it.
May also provides the perfect opportunity to visit the local attractions while things are relatively quiet. If you’re full of adventure then maybe a trip to Xplor Cancun would be a worthwhile day out. For those more inclined to take things easy consider a catamaran trip to Isla Mujeres for fun, sun and booze all day long!
Cancun Weather from Month to Month
January – February – March – April – May – June – July – August – September – October – November – December