Cancun Weather in December

Cancun weather in December is going to be much more pleasant than it is back at home.
Average Stats for Cancun Weather in December
High F | Low F | Days > 90 F | Days > 80 F | Rain inches |
83 | 69 | 0 | 23 | 4.3 |
Rain Days | Humidity % am | Humidity % pm | Wind Speed mph |
6 | 86 | 75 | 9 |
Temperature in Cancun During December
Despite it being one of the ‘colder’ months of the year (only January has a cooler average high temperature) you can still expect 23 of the 31 days of December to reach over 80F during the day, although none over 90F.
Typical daily average low temperatures are high 60’s which you’ll encounter, more often than not, very early in the morning. Occasionally, what locals call ‘north fronts’ will move down from central USA and bring cooler weather at this time of year.
In December 2010 temperatures actually reached a low of 52F due to one of these fronts. Now 52F may not seem very cold but when you consider houses in Cancun do not have heating, are designed to be cool and most people don’t own clothing warmer than a T shirt that’s cold enough for me!
Rain and Humidity in Cancun During December
Hurricane season ended over a month ago and there is zero chance of a hurricane at this time of year as sea temperatures cool to such an extent that their formation becomes impossible.
Looking at rain in Cancun during December you should expect 6 rainy days throughout the whole month. As usual this does not mean that it will rain all day for 6 days, just that on 6 days rain will fall somewhere in the Cancun area for an unspecified duration and it could be heavy or it could be so light it’s barely noticeable.
December is the 6th wettest month of the year so it’s fair to say it’s neither a dry month nor a wet month when looking at the year as a whole.
Humidity remains at the 86% max 75% min level, similar to the rest of the year and average wind speed throughout the month is a gentle 9mph.
December in Cancun
Early December follows the continuing pattern from November and is fairly quiet. However, as Christmas approaches occupancy levels soar and from Christmas through New Year Cancun hotel prices are at their highest price of the year.
Christmas marks the start of high season in Cancun and occupancy levels remain high from now until the end of May as snowbirds tire of the cold weather in the North and seek their way south. This is particularly true for Canadians and it is they who will form the majority of tourists in Cancun from Christmas through the first few months of the year.
December is a great time of year to get out and about and experience what the Yucatan Peninsula has to entertain you. While you may find on occasion that some water based tours are cancelled due to high seas all land based tours will be in operation 7 days a week and due to the lower temperatures and occupancy it is the perfect time to enjoy them.
Cancun Weather from Month to Month
January – February – March – April – May – June – July – August – September – October – November – December