Cancun Weather in March

Cancun Weather in March

Cancun weather in March is the time of year that temperatures really start ramping up as we head towards summer. It’s also one of the driest months too so a fantastic time to visit Cancun when the weather is still cold at home.

Average Stats for March Weather in Cancun

High F
Low F
Days > 90 F
Days > 80 F
Rain inches
Rain Days
Humidity % am
Humidity % pm
Wind Speed mph

Temperature in Cancun During March

Average high temperature in Cancun during March is 86F, with the average lowest temperature being well out of the 60’s seen in previous months and into low to mid 70’s. March also brings (in an average month) the first 90F+ day of the year. 26 of the remaining days in March are above 80F leaving just 4 days where the temperature does not exceed 80 degrees.

Tieing with April, March sees the least monthly rainfall of the year in Cancun with just 1.6 inches of rain falling over 3 rainy days.

Rain and Humidity in Cancun During March

Humidity remains at its year round average of 85% maximum with 72% minimum. You’ll encounter the minimum most often at dawn which is when the climate feels the freshest, but as soon as the sun has been up for a few hours humid conditions ensue and continue for several hours after the sun has set.

March is the time of year where the ocean begins to warm up and towards the end of the month you’ll find that the hotel pool is around the same temperature as the ocean.

All in all March weather in Cancun is pleasant, not too hot and dry – this makes March the ideal time of year to visit.

March in Cancun

March is always a busy month in Cancun, not as busy as February but busier than April. Hotel prices in Cancun at this time of year remain on the high side.

Cancun Spring Break takes place during the month of March with the middle two weeks being the peak weeks. However, different universities and colleges have different break dates so you’ll find a spring break presence in Cancun throughout the whole month.

During Spring Break, Cancun nightclub entrance prices rise and the clubs may well be extremely busy to the point of not being enjoyable for those who are over 30. On the positive side though spring break also attracts famous bands and acts from all over the World to perform in nightclubs such as The City.

Cancun Weather from Month to Month

JanuaryFebruary – March – AprilMay JuneJuly AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember