Cancun Weather
Did you know that in Cancun there are only 35 days a year when the maximum temperature doesn’t hit 80F! For 4 months of the year the maximum daily temperature is over 90F!
Our Cancun weather category links to a detailed weather guide for every month of the year. We also have our weather averages page if you prefer a quicker, less detailed, read and just want to know the basics such as typical temperatures and how often it rains in Cancun and when.
We also have a special page dealing with the subject of hurricanes which can happen any time between June and October, but in reality are very rare events.
And if you just want to check out the weather right now we showcase some excellent live weather webcams in the area.
Find out Cancun weather averages on a month by month basis to help you choose the best time to visit Mexico’s most popular resort.
Check out our live Cancun webcam page and see the weather in real time. Enjoy the views of the Cancun Hotel Zone and the beautiful Caribbean
Hurricanes don’t happen very often but when they do they can be devastating. Find out about hurricanes in Cancun and when the season runs from.
Thinking of visiting in January? Cancun weather in January can be cold, but there’s still plenty of sunshine. Check out the stats here.
February picks up in temperature and days become longer. Find out typical stats for average February weather at the link below.
March is the month when the weather really starts to warm up in Cancun. Discover the average temps and rainfall for your March Cancun vacation.
April is a great month for the weather in Cancun. Not too hot, mainly dry and zero chance of hurricanes. Find out the acerage May weather stats here.
May is our favorite month for weather in Cancun. Hours of daylight are long, temperatures are well into the 90s but not unbearably hot, and there’s little rain.
June marks the start of hurricane season as the temps in Cancun begin to really ramp up. The longest daylight hours of the year are in June. Discover typical weather stats here.
July weather in Cancun is hot! Sometimes unbearably so. Days are long and humidity is high. There’s also a very rare chance of a hurricane in July.
August is the hottest month of the year in Cancun and the heat and humidity can be overpowering. Find out how hot it gets and the amount of rain here.
September weather is usually nice and warm but there can be occasional tropical storms in the area, so there are sometimes wet spells too.
October temps in Cancun are still 80+ almost every day. October has the highest chance of a hurricane. See below and dont worry!
November 1st marks the end of hurricane season in Cancun and is usually a dry month. It’s a very nice time to visit with plenty of sun and very little rain.
The shortest days of the year in Cancun are in December, but there is still plenty of sunshine. A Cancun visit is great idea for a Christmas getaway!